Welcome to the new age of power where being green is king! In our own effort to bring more green practices into McCutcheon’s we are going solar.
When we were approached to open our doors to a documentary crew, the initial response was “oh no.” When we learned they were broadcast journalism students from Fort Mead MD’s Air Force Media School our response quickly turned to “heck yeah.”
On Saturday September 15th, McCutcheon’s had the pleasure of joining forces with the Flying Dog Brewery to support local beer, local food, and local creativity. Vendors, artists, and locally inspired individuals came together to raise a glass to Frederick.
NAM, the National Association of Manufacturers, has always been a strong voice for the companies like McCutcheon’s: small businesses fighting for growth in today’s challenging economy.
For a few years now MaryAnna’s Teas, out of NJ, has been brewing and bottling their tea here at McCutcheon’s. Their three flavors of tea (Peachy Sweet tea, Berry Sweet tea, and Summer Sweet Tea) are made with only the finest Nilgiri black tea from the blue mountains of India. This specific type of tea excels at making a flavorful, clear and crisp iced tea.
It is known as the fruit of love in Greek mythology, is believed to be the actual forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, and has origins older than that of its cousin the apple. But what exactly is a quince?
Well, folks, it is truly amazing what a new drop -down-tile ceiling can do for a space. That and the lovely new tile floor have taken away the old hodgepodge charm and cleaned it up. It looks like the space is really coming together. Don’t you think?
The picture above is of the original store opened in 1940. These were the days when the apple presses were outside and we only sold two things: apple butter and apple cider. This structure is no longer standing and was replaced with the current retail facility on almost the exact same plot of land in the 1950’s.
Check it out, the National Association of Manufacturers (or, NAM for short) thinks what we have going on is pretty cool. So cool in fact, that their team from their “Cool Stuff Being Made” site produced this little Youtube special on McCutcheon’s manufacturing.
During the fall months, the cider presses and filling lines run almost constantly in our factory. But during the hot, slow summer months the smell of cider has long gone and the processing lines lie still and quiet.