The picture above is of the original store opened in 1940. These were the days when the apple presses were outside and we only sold two things: apple butter and apple cider. This structure is no longer standing and was replaced with the current retail facility on almost the exact same plot of land in the 1950’s. Since then, McCutcheon’s Retail Factory Store has been located in the same place off S. Winser Street in Frederick, MD. Over the years the floor has been patched up, the walls covered in barn siding, but really very little has changed in the space. Yes, it is a store filled to the brim with food products, but it was in much need of some love. So, after much deliberation, it has been decided that McCutcheon’s will be getting a much-needed face-lift. The patchwork tile floors will be redone; the walls white-washed, and the ceiling fixed. The crate displays will remain the same, as will the old Frederick charm we know and love so well. But, we are hoping to breathe some life into the space.
Back in 1950, the retail store housed almost all of the business’s operations: from wholesale to retail, to management offices. Gradually, the business began to outgrow the space until all that remained was the Factory Store. As our product line expanded the store filled out to what it is today. We had grown, but we had not made an effort to keep up with the times.
This week was spent emptying out the store. All of the Christmas decorations that had covered every inch of available space has been boxed and stored. Slowly but surely the shelves were stripped of merchandise and what-not. Right now it is rather barren looking. But soon, it will be a whole new, sparkly clean space. The next step is to relocate all the product to our Wholesale office, where our retail store will be temporarily housed during the makeover process.
McCutcheon’s Factory Store 2012 Before