Posted on September 10, 2011

Support Your Local Farmers

collection of images of fruits and vegetables at a farm stand

As autumn rapidly approaches, and the late summer gluts of garden fresh produce are coming in, be sure to support your local farmers and farm markets. McCutcheon’s Apple Products is proud to be in business with many farm markets across America. Supporting small family businesses and encouraging them to grow drives us to produce great products all year long. It is because of them that we are here today. So, if you can, we ask that you do your part as well. It can be as simple as stopping by your local roadside market to get a carton of potatoes or, if you are feeling more ambitious, a whole bushel of apples from a local orchard to pack away in your kids’ lunches.

Local farmers in your area can offer you the most delicious products at low cost. Be a good neighbor, buy local, support your local farms. To find a farm stand in your area visit or They will provide you with a list of local farms, farm markets, CSA operations, and much more. Also as the gift-giving season arrives, consider signing up a friend, loved one, or make a gift for yourself by signing up for a CSA program in your area.

If you are our neighbor in Frederick, MD, check out these markets for great fresh produce and much more:

Invest in your community, and you will receive so much more in the end.